Sunday, May 22, 2011


Well, I started to get a little excited about the Norway adventure. Becky said that she could only find recipes for desserts and fish. I’m not a huge seafood fan (unless it is a particular salmon recipe) nor is she, but I could never pass up a meal of desserts. I suppose fish dishes should be abundantly available though given some of the following facts:

It is about two-thirds mountain and has over 50,000 islands off it’s rugged coastline. It borders the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a land mass roughly the size of New Mexico.
Norway is the second largest gas exporter in the world. It is ninth for oil exporting.
Norway’s flag is red with a slightly offset blue cross that is highlighted in white. The red and white are influenced by Denmark and the blue is an influence from Sweden.
This where Vikings come from…and the band a-ha

Becky decided to make Kjøttkaker. These are lentil cakes with gravy. To compliment this dish she also made Old Fashioned Baking Powder Biscuits, boiled potatoes, peas and Lingonberry Sauce. For dessert she made Norwegian Almond Bars and Peasant Girls in the Mist.

First things first, the lentil cakes were an effort to try a vegan dish. Just thinking about the dish makes my stomach turn. There were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many lentils...enough to turn any Vegan into a ravenous carnivore. The lentils were a substitute for ground beef. Though Becky and I struggled with it, Caleb liked the dish.

The Lingonberry sauce was pretty good on those biscuits, which were also pretty good. I was unable to get to the Almond bars because my stomach was upside down with the lentils.

Becky said it was quite delicious, especially warmed up and with ice cream. After a while we had the Peasant Girls in the Mist. This is a rather dry dessert. It is apples, bread crumbs, cinnamon and whipped cream. It is a layered parfait. The recipe called for an excessive amount of bread crumbs. It made it really hard to enjoy the other layers.

After the eventful meal, it was time to throw the dart. I tried it with my eyes closed…after several attempts of missing the map, I had to open them again. I still missed the map…until finally I hit Siberia.

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